IRS/TPC Conference
6th Annual IRS-TPC Joint Research Conference on Tax Administration

The IRS and the Tax Policy Center invite you to attend the only annual conference focused exclusively on tax administration research. Researchers from the IRS, other government agencies, academia, and private organizations will discuss some of the latest analyses seeking to make tax administration as effective as possible. Space is limited, but the presentations and discussions will be streamed live from this website.

There is no charge to attend the conference.

  • IRS employees should register by email through the NHQ Office of Research.
  • All others should register following the link above.

For inquiries regarding this event, please contact [email protected]

Please provide input about the conference by completing one of the evaluation forms online at

Event Webcast

You can view the rest of the webcast by clicking on the links below:

Event Materials


Speaker Bios

Paper Abstracts

Presentation for Interventions: Influencing taxpayer compliance

Presentation for Nonfiling: IRS-Census data comparisons

Presentation for Behavioral research: Why do people do what they do?


Date & Time Thursday, June 23, 2016

  • Nonresident Fellow
  • Senior Fellow
    Consultant and Editor, TaxVox Blog
  • Senior Fellow