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Percent of tax units affected by the AMT by: income level; number of children; state tax level; and filing status. Estimates are for current law In 2015-17 and 2026.

T16-0237 - Aggregate AMT Projections, 2015-2026
T16-0238 - Aggregate AMT Projections and Recent History, 1970-2026
T16-0239 - AMT Revenue per AMT Taxpayer, 2015 - 2017 and 2026
T16-0240 - Average Effective AMT Tax Rate, 2015 - 2017 and 2026
T16-0242 - Distribution of AMT and Regular Income Tax by Expanded Cash Income, Current Law, 2015 - 2017
T16-0243 - Income Subject to Tax and Effective Marginal Tax Rates in the Regular Income Tax and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), Current Law, 2015 - 2017