Personal wealth information: before-tax income, net worth, assets, and debt
Individual Taxes
Percentage of families holding financial assets, by selected characteristics of families and type of asset, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Median value debt holdings, by types of debt and selected characteristics of families, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Share of families with debt holdings, by types of debt and selected characteristics of families, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Mean and median before-tax family income, share of families that save, by selected characteristics of families, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Ratio of debt payments to family income (aggregate and median), by selected characteristics of families, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Family holdings of unrealized capital gains, by types of asset and selected characteristics of families, for survey years. See spreadsheet for all years.
Individual Taxes
Direct and indirect family holdings of stock, by selected characteristics of families, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Mean and median net worth of families, by selected characteristics, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Median value of assets for families holding nonfinancial assets, by selected characteristics of families and type of asset, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Percentage of families holding nonfinancial assets, by selected characteristics of families and type of asset, for survey years.
Individual Taxes
Median value of assets for families holding financial assets, by selected characteristics of families and type of asset, for survey years.