Tax Policy Center

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
Happy New Year. And welcome to 2019, a year when several important tax policy issues are likely to hit the news. Watch for these: Whether...
January 3, 2019Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
It’s time for Tax Vox to present its annual Lump of Coal Award for the worst tax idea of the year.
December 20, 2018Howard Gleckman
: TaxVox
A key provision of 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was the elimination of the personal exemption. The change has a major effect on...
December 17, 2018Richard C. Auxier
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
Everyone, it seems, says they want to cut taxes for the middle class. President Trump promised such tax relief in the weeks before the election...
December 10, 2018Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
House Democrats are developing new rules to govern their legislative deliberations when they take control of the House in January. One is awful.
November 30, 2018Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
In his press conference on Wednesday, President Trump raised more than a few eyebrows by saying he’d be willing to support “adjustments ” to the...
November 9, 2018Howard Gleckman
Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms: TaxVox
The 116 th Congress is going to look very different from the 115 th . But don’t expect tax and budget policy to change much...
November 7, 2018Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
TaxVox is continuing to track a set of economic indicators to see whether the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has, in President Trump’s words, created...
November 2, 2018Howard GleckmanAravind Boddupalli
Individual Taxes: TaxVox
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly changed the nature of the tax deduction for charitable donations. But will it transform giving itself and...
October 22, 2018Howard Gleckman
Federal Budget and Economy: TaxVox
The Treasury Department reported this week that the federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2018 increased by $113 billion, or 17 percent from 2017, resulting...
October 17, 2018Howard Gleckman