Elena Patel
Elena Spatoulas Patel
Nonresident Senior Fellow

Patel is a nonresident senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy center and the Sorenson Assistant Professor in the Division of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations at the Univeristy of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business. 

Patel’s work explores how policy—for example, tax structure and government programs—affect firms’ critical assets: capital and labor. Prior to joining the University of Utah, Patel gained broad professional experience in the federal government, including positions in the White House at the Council of Economic Advisors, in the Office of Tax Analysis at the U.S. Treasury Department, in the Office of Accountability and Compliance at the Postal Regulatory Commission, in the Macroeconomic Analysis Division at the Congressional Budget Office, and in the Antitrust Division at the U.S. Department of Justice.

In 2007, Patel earned a Bachelor of Science with Distinction in Economics (with Honors) and Mathematics, with a minor in Modern Greek Studies from the University of Michigan. In 2008, she earned a Master of Arts in Economics in 2008, and in 2013,  a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Michigan.