We are living in a fast-changing environment and facing a multitude of challenges, including an aging population, the changing nature of the workforce, growth in the gig economy, and growing economic and fiscal uncertainties. Thus, state and local government officials are in need of information and tools for deliberations and decisionmaking. At the Urban Institute, I will strive to provide timely data, research, and analysis on state and local fiscal issues. My aim is to help states and localities advance knowledge and make sound fiscal policy decisions.
Lucy Dadayan is a principal research associate with the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute, where she is leading the State Tax and Economic Review project.
Before joining Urban, Dadayan was a senior research scientist with the Rockefeller Institute of Government, where she wrote extensively on state and local government fiscal issues, including state government tax revenue trends, personal income taxes, tax revenue forecasts, property taxes, gambling tax revenue, government employment, spending on social services, education spending, and state spending on children’s programs. She has authored or coauthored four chapters for the Book of the States (2015, 2016, and 2017 editions). Dadayan’s work is frequently cited in major news media, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Bond Buyer, Bloomberg, the Washington Post, Forbes, the Boston Globe, the Financial Times, and the Los Angeles Times. Dadayan is often invited to present at conferences and provide testimonies for state government agencies.
Dadayan has been a reviewer for the peer-reviewed journals Public Budgeting and Finance, State and Local Government Review, and the Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research. In addition, she is a reviewer for the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, one of the longest-standing continuously running scientific conferences.
Dadayan holds an MA in public policy and affairs and a PhD in informatics, both from the State University of New York at Albany.