Mary Bogle
Senior Research Associate
I want to make a positive and sustainable impact on the futures of American children in poverty. Urban Institute research produces data and evidence that shapes good policy and practice for vulnerable children and families.

Mary Bogle is a senior research associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute. Her research focuses on policies and place-based interventions that help low-income parents surmount the economic, equity, and mental health challenges that often interfere with their efforts to create healthy, productive, and protective environments for their children. During her career, Bogle has worked for street-level human services organizations, been executive director of Grantmakers for Children, Youth, & Families, led the planning efforts for several comprehensive community change initiatives, and been a program specialist for the federal Head Start Bureau, where she played a pivotal role in designing and launching Early Head Start, the premier federal initiative for low-income families with infants and toddlers.