Rosanne Altshuler is professor and dean of social and behavioral sciences at Rutgers University. Her research focuses on federal tax policy and has appeared in numerous journals and books, including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Public Economics, National Tax Journal, International Taxation and Public Finance, American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, and Tax Policy and the Economy. She was an assistant professor at Columbia University and has been a visitor at Princeton University, the New York University School of Law, and the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. Altshuler was an editor of the National Tax Journal and a member of the board of directors of the National Tax Association. She is an elected trustee of the American Tax Policy Institute. She has also been active in the policy world, serving as director of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, senior economist to the 2005 President’s Advisory Panel of Federal Tax Reform, and special adviser to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Altshuler holds a BA from Tufts University and a PhD in economics from the University of Pennsylvania.