June 8, 2012
Today I had the chance to testify before the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee about a perennial challenge, the...
June 7, 2012
Over the past week or so, Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, and Glenn Hubbard have all made the same suggestion: Congress should extend all of the...
June 5, 2012
The Congressional Budget Office’s latest update , released today, provides a snapshot of fiscal policy in the short run, the medium term, and the long...
May 31, 2012
I recently blogged on Doug Holtz-Eakin’s four-step framework for tax reform. His roadmap—first agree on a progressive tax code, a top rate, and the total...
May 30, 2012
Make no mistake, any attempt at tax reform will be a heavy lift. But an interesting behind-the-scenes debate is brewing among reformers over just how...
May 29, 2012
The Treasury may be losing as much as $5 billion a year from fraudulent tax refund claims—and most of that fraud is entirely preventable. The...
May 25, 2012
State taxes and transfers can be an important form of assistance for low-income families. But the amount of government help varies widely among the states...
May 24, 2012
By now, you know the great taxmageddon story: At the end of the year, a lame duck Congress and a new or newly re-elected president...
May 22, 2012
At the National Tax Association’s spring conference last week, former Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Holtz-Eakin laid out a path to tax reform in four...
May 21, 2012
Summer is here and that can mean only one thing – the start of movie season. Well, that and California’s annual budget mess. Like a...