April 5, 2012
Two Ohio Members of Congress have introduced a bill to allow states to issue tax-exempt bonds to demolish buildings. Not to build them, but to...
April 3, 2012
I’ve finally finished my income tax returns for 2011. The last task—and least pleasant—is figuring my Virginia use tax . That’s the sales tax I...
April 2, 2012
It is the unfounded rumor that never dies: You will have to pay a 3.8 percent federal health care tax on the sale of your...
March 29, 2012
There is more to the Affordable Care Act than the individual mandate. There are also, for example, taxes. And since this is TaxVox, I thought...
March 27, 2012
The budget proposal House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released last week is, essentially, an effort to have low- and middle-class households bear the...
March 27, 2012
Oklahoma, Nebraska, and my home state of Kansas are debating proposals to sharply reduce or eliminate their personal income tax. That raises important questions about...
March 26, 2012
When we talk about the federal budget, we usually rely on the government’s official definition of “spending” which is to say the amount of money...
March 23, 2012
No surprise here, but the tax cuts in Paul Ryan’s 2013 budget plan would result in huge benefits for high-income people and very modest—or no—...
March 22, 2012
Paul Ryan may not have intended it, but his 2013 budget is the strongest argument I’ve seen for why any serious fiscal plan must include...
March 21, 2012
Republicans like to say President Obama is a chronic, unrepentant tax-raiser. Obama himself used to say he was a tax-cutter but now touts himself as...