Brief Tariffs, Trade, China, and the States
Robert McClelland, Richard C. Auxier, Lillian Hunter, Muskan Jha, Gianna Rodriguez
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Although tariffs currently constitute a very small share of US federal revenue, both President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden increased their use, and Trump now proposes significantly expanding their application. After an overview of current US imports and tariff policies, this chartbook presents state-by-state calculations of imports as a share of state gross domestic product (GDP), current tariff payments as a share of state GDP, and Trump’s proposed tariffs as a share of state GDP. Trump’s proposal would increase tariff payments as a share of state GDP, on average, by 1.5 percentage points across the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The largest increases would occur in Kentucky (4.1 points), Indiana (3.9 points), Tennessee (3.6 points), Mississippi (3.5 points), and Michigan (2.8 points).

Tags tariffs China Donald J. Trump trade
Primary topic State and Local Issues
Research Area State and Local Issues Economic effects of tax policy Presidential campaign proposals International taxation
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