Daily Deduction Guns and Budgets
Renu Zaretsky
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On a gun tax, Hillary Clinton says…maybe. The Democratic presidential hopeful told the Senate Finance Committee in 1993 that she supported a 25 percent sales tax on handguns and automatic weapons. When ABC News asked her how she feels now, she defended the concept, noting that revenue from a gun tax could help cover the medical and law enforcement costs of gun violence. But, she added, “I’m not going to commit to any specific proposal.”

Minnesota is in budget limbo… Democratic Governor Mark Dayton may veto a $259 million measure to cut taxes and increase road and infrastructure spending. Republicans passed the bill in the House, but the Dayton administration found a drafting error that would cost $100 million over three years. Dayton won’t call a special session to correct the error unless lawmakers agree to his own tax and spending priorities which include more spending for public colleges and Twin Cities transit projects as well as a tax break for sports programs for low-income public school students. Every member of the House is up for reelection this fall. Dayton is not.

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson wants to require out-of-state retailers to collect state sales taxes. Hutchinson argues that federal curbs on state laws that require retailers to collect the levies should be lifted. He promised to put any additional sales tax revenue in a “lock box” where it would  be used to cut state income taxes. 

The IRS will hold nationwide forums on its future. The IRS Future State efforts are focused on improving its interactions with taxpayers and tax professionals, whether they  involve taxpayer service or enforcement. Sessions this summer will give the IRS the chance to get feedback from tax professionals on its plans. 

This week in the House. The chamber plans to vote on a resolution to oppose both President Obama’s proposed $10-per-barrel tax on oil and a carbon tax. 

In case you missed them on TaxVox… TPC’s Howard Gleckman wonders if we’ll soon see a salt tax. He also shares House Ways & Means staffer Janice Mays’ thoughts on the future of tax reform, offered in her interview with Politico. The Tax Hound returned last week with her monthly investigation—this time on a proposed tax incentive for golfers.

Save another June date… The IRS and the Tax Policy Center invite you to attend the only annual conference focused exclusively on tax administration research. On June 23, researchers from the IRS, other government agencies, academia, and private organizations will discuss some of the latest analyses aimed at making tax administration as effective as possible. Space is limited, but the presentations and discussions will be streamed live.

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