Daily Deduction More Tariff Threats, Domestic and Abroad
Renu Zaretsky
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President Trump: Apple leaves a bitter aftertaste. Vive la France? Not so much.  President Trump said Friday that he would not grant Apple’s request that the tech giant be granted a waiver from high tariffs on goods it manufactures in China. He also threatened to impose high tariffs on French goods in retaliation for France’s digital tax that affects major US tech companies, as well as a tax on French wine, in part because, while he does not drink, he prefers the way US wine looks. 

Got Bitcoin? Pay tax. The IRS is reminding 10,000 digital currency holders by mail that they may have failed to pay necessary taxes or improperly reported tax on their digital assets in 2018 .Some of these currency holders may be subject to criminal prosecution. Said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig: “Taxpayers should take these letters very seriously by reviewing their tax filings and when appropriate, amend past returns and pay back taxes, interest and penalties,”

Who’s breathing new life into a carbon tax? The Hill considers competing measures from House Republicans and House Democrats. Constituents and members of the fossil fuel industry have been pressuring lawmakers to regulate carbon emissions that lead to climate change. Will the president? Mused Carlos Curbelo, a former Republican congressman from Florida, "Like with all things Trump, it’s totally unpredictable.”   

The United Kingdom: Two words… Plastics Tax. The British government announced its plan for a new “world-leading” tax on businesses that produce or import plastic packaging that uses too little or no recycled content. The tax will be high enough to provide “a clear economic incentive to use recycled material,” and would take effect in April 2022. Businesses would have until that time to adapt their packaging processes. 

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