The Prescription: Fiscal Policy for the COVID-19 Economy with Charles Rettig

Please excuse the technical difficulty during the start of this event. The program continues after the delay.

This week’s guest: Charles Rettig, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service

The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center (TPC) is holding a series of online conversations on policy responses to the COVID-19 economy. The discussions take place every other Thursday afternoon and feature experts with various perspectives on the historic economic challenges the United States and the world are facing and the best ways to address them. 

This week’s guest is IRS commissioner Charles Rettig.  He’ll talk with TPC senior fellow Howard Gleckman (@howard_gleckman) about how the IRS has dealt with the challenges of operating the tax system during a pandemic, how the IRS is preparing for the upcoming income tax filing season, and the Service’s role delivering relief payments/income support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Date & Time Thursday, January 21, 2021

  • Senior Fellow