As Congress takes up tax and immigration reform, it is critical to understand the experience of immigrants as they interact with and move through the US tax system. From establishing credentials to starting a small business to navigating shifting Social Security number and Taxpayer Identification Number requirements for tax credits, immigrants face challenges that have broad implications for tax administration and tax policy. In addition, over the next few decades, immigrants will become a larger part of the nation’s workforce and will be taxpayers who help determine the fiscal health of our country. As policymakers consider overhauling our immigration system and potentially halving the flow of immigrants, it will be important to know what this could mean for the country’s bottom line.
Join us as leading practitioners from advocacy and government organizations discuss the challenges immigrants face and how current policies and possible changes would affect the one in four Americans who are immigrants or children of immigrants. Urban Institute scholar Kim Rueben, director of the State and Local Finance Initiative, will share take-aways from a National Academies of Science report on the economic and fiscal effects of immigration.
Featured speakers:
- Amanda Bartmann, Attorney Advisor to the National Taxpayer Advocate, Internal Revenue Service @YourVoiceAtIRS
- Cara Cardotti, THRIVE Collaborative Manager, United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg @UnitedWayGRP
- Kim Rueben, Senior Fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center @taxfox
- Sam Solomon, Deputy Director of Policy, New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs @NYCImmigrants
- Jackie Vimo, Policy Analyst, National Immigration Law Center @JackieVimo
- Howard Gleckman, Senior Fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center (moderator) @howard_gleckman
Event Materials
- Agenda
- Speaker bios
- Immigrants' Impact on Fiscal Matters - Fact Sheet
- Amanda Bartmann's materials
For inquiries regarding this event, please contact [email protected].
Image Attribution: Wilfredo Lee/AP Photo