Model Estimate T21-0018 – Alternative Version of the CASH Act with Steeper Phase Out Rate of 10 Percent for $1,400 Economic Impact Payments by Expanded Cash Income Level t21-0018.xls
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Table shows the distributional impact, by expanded cash income level, of raising the phase-out rate from 5% to 10% percent for an alternative version of the CASH Act (2020) with $1,400 economic impact payments. 

Model Estimates Type Distribution Tables by Income Level
Primary topic Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms
Topics Current legislative proposals Income tax (individual)
Model Estimates from the same Simulation Run January 26, 2021
Model Estimate
T21-0019 – Alternative Version of the CASH Act with Steeper Phase Out Rate of 10 Percent for $1,400 Economic Impact Payments by Expanded Cash Income Percentile
Model Estimate
T21-0020 – Alternative Version of the CASH Act with Lower Phase-Out Thresholds of 50K/75K/100K for $1,400 Economic Impact Payments by Expanded Cash Income Level
Model Estimate
T21-0021 – Alternative Version of the CASH Act with Lower Phase-Out Thresholds of 50K/75K/100K for $1,400 Economic Impact Payments by Expanded Cash Income Percentile
Model Estimate Resources