Model Estimate T24-0050 – Enact 60 Percent Tariff on Imports from China and 10 Percent Tariff on Imports from All Other Countries by ECI Percentile, 2025 t24-0050.xlsx
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Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income percentile in 2025, of enacting a 60 Percent Tariff on Imports from China and 10 Percent Tariff on Imports from All Other Countries. For a discussion of the distribution metrics presented in this table, see Measuring the Distribution of Tax Changes.

Model Estimates Type Distribution Tables by Income Percentile
Primary topic Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms
Topics Presidential campaign proposals
Model Estimates from the same Simulation Run August 15, 2024
Model Estimate
T24-0051 – Enact 60 Percent Tariff on Imports from China and 10 Percent Tariff on Imports from All Other Countries, by ECI Level, 2025
Model Estimate Resources