Model Estimate T17-0095 - Distribution of Major Tax Provisions in The American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) as approved by House Ways and Means Committee, Including Changes to Health Insurance Tax Credits, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2022 t17-0095.xlsx
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Distribution of federal tax change from the repeal of the following Affordable Care Act (ACA) taxes in 2022: the 3.8 percent Net Investment Income Tax, the 0.9 percent additional HI tax, the excise tax on employers offering inadequate health insurance coverage, the excise tax on individuals without adequate health insurance, the increase in threshold for medical expense deductions, and the excise taxes on health insurance providers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and importers, and medical device manufacturers and importers. The table includes the effect of the delay the Cadillac tax until 2025. Analysis includes changes to health insurance tax credits, but excludes changes to Health Savings Accounts and Medical Flexible Spending Accounts.

Model Estimates Type Distribution Tables by Dollar Income Class
Primary topic Individual Taxes
Topics Health care High-income households Income tax (individual)
Model Estimates from the same Simulation Run March 22, 2017
Model Estimate
T17-0096 - Distribution of Major Tax Provisions in The American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA) as approved by House Ways and Means Committee, Including Changes to Health Insurance Tax Credits, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2022
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