Model Estimate T15-0014 - Limit the Tax Value of Individual Retirement Arrangements and Defined Contribution Retirement Plans' Individual Deductions or Employer Exclusions from AGI to 25 Percent, Baseline: Current Law, Distribution of Federal Tax Change by ECI level, 2016 T15-0014.xls
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Primary topic Individual Taxes
Topics Retirement
Model Estimates from the same Simulation Run June 16, 2015
Model Estimate
T15-0013 - Limit the Tax Value of Individual Retirement Arrangements and Defined Contribution Retirement Plans' Individual Deductions or Employer Exclusions from AGI to 15, 20 or 25 Percent against the Current Law Baseline ($ billions), 2016-25
Model Estimate
T15-0015 - Limit the Tax Value of Individual Retirement Arrangements and Defined Contribution Retirement Plans', Individual Deductions or Employer Exclusions from AGI to 25 Percent, Baseline: Current Law, Distribution of Federal Tax Change by ECI Percentile, 2016
Model Estimate
T15-0016 - Limit the Tax Value of Individual Retirement Arrangements and Defined Contribution Retirement Plans', Individual Deductions or Employer Exclusions from AGI to 25 Percent, Baseline: Current Law, Distribution of Federal Tax Change by ECI Level 2025
Model Estimate
T15-0017 - Limit the Tax Value of Individual Retirement Arrangements and Defined Contribution Retirement Plans', Individual Deductions or Employer Exclusions from AGI to 25 Percent, Baseline: Current Law, Distribution of Federal Tax Change by ECI percentile, 2025
Model Estimate Resources