Model Estimate T20-0196 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 25% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds and Stocks, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019 t20-0196_-_cl_nomid_stock_25_mpd_limit_lvl.xls
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Distributional estimates in calendar year 2019 for a proposal to repeal the current-law home mortgage interest deduction, assuming up to 25% mortgage paydown with tax-exempt municipal bonds, taxable bonds, and stocks. To avoid the economic uncertainties associated with 2020, we use a baseline of current law at 2019 income levels, and assume that the provision was enacted in 2019.

Model Estimates Type Distribution Tables by Income Level
Primary topic Individual Taxes
Topics Homeownership Income tax (individual) Tax expenditures (individual)
Model Estimates from the same Simulation Run July 1, 2020
Model Estimate
T20-0187 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest; Impact on Tax Revenue, Calendar Year 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0204 - Replace the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction with a 7.3 Percent Refundable Tax Credit, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0203 - Replace the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction with an 8.3 Percent Non-refundable Tax Credit, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0202 - Replace the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction with an 8.3 Percent Non-refundable Tax Credit, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0201 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 100% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds and Stocks, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0200 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 100% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds and Stocks, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0199 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 50% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds and Stocks, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0198 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 50% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds and Stocks, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0197 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 25% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds and Stocks, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0195 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 100% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0194 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 100% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0193 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 50% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0192 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 50% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0191 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 25% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0190 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming up to 25% Mortgage Paydown with Bonds, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0189 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming No Mortgage Paydown, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0188 - Repeal the Itemized Deduction for Home Mortgage Interest, Assuming No Mortgage Paydown, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019
Model Estimate
T20-0205 - Replace the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction with a 7.3 Percent Refundable Tax Credit, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
Model Estimate Resources