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Distribution of benefits of the child tax credit and the exemption for dependents under 18. Estimates are shown by income percentile for 2014.

T16-0134 - Options to Repeal the Child Tax Credit and Exemption for Dependents: Impact on Tax Revenue ($ Billions), 2014-23, Baseline: Current Law
T16-0135 - Tax Benefit of the Child Tax Credit, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2014
T16-0136 - Tax Benefit of the Child Tax Credit, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2014
T16-0137 - Tax Benefit of the Personal Exemption for Dependents under 18, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2014
T16-0138 - Tax Benefit of the Personal Exemption for Dependents under 18, by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2014
T16-0139 - Tax Benefit of the Child Tax Credit and the Personal Exemption for Dependents under 18, by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2014