Model Estimate T20-0132 - Alternative Definitions of an Eligible Dependent for Senate Recovery Rebate in CARES Act, By Expanded Cash Income Level, 2019 t20-0132.xlsx
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These are estimates of the number of dependents who could be claimed for $500 supplement to recovery rebate under different age criteria, by expanded cash income level. These are based on the age of dependent, not estimates of how many people will actually receive the payment. The estimates do not account for other factors affecting eligibility including having a Social Security number eligible for work.

Model Estimates Type Other Tables
Primary topic Campaigns, Proposals, and Reforms
Topics Current legislative proposals Tax credits (individual)
Model Estimates from the same Simulation Run April 15, 2020
Model Estimate
T20-0133 - Alternative Definitions of an Eligible Dependent for Senate Recovery Rebate in CARES Act, By Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2019
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