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The distribution of tax units that pay no individual income tax by expanded cash income level under current law in 2022.

T22-0128 - Tax Units with Zero or Negative Federal Individual Income Tax Under Current Law, 2011-2032
T22-0129 - Distribution of Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax, By Expanded Cash Income Level, 2021
T22-0130 - Distribution of Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax, By Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2021
T22-0132 - Distribution of Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax, By Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2022
T22-0133 - Distribution of Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax, By Expanded Cash Income Level, 2023
T22-0134 - Distribution of Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax, By Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2023
T22-0135 - Distribution of Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax, By Expanded Cash Income Level, 2026
T22-0136 - Distribution of Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax, By Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2026