Table shows the tax benefit of the itemized deduction for charitable contributions under current law plus the increase in the standard deduction proposed by the...
Table shows the tax benefit of the itemized deduction for charitable contributions under current law plus the increase in the standard deduction proposed by the...
Table shows the tax benefit of the itemized deduction for charitable contributions under current law, by expanded cash income level, in 2024.
Table shows the distribution of tax units that see a tax increase or a tax cut ("winners and losers"), by expanded cash income percentiles in 2024, due to the individual income, payroll, and estate tax provisions in the Administration's FY2024 budget proposal.
Table shows the distribution of tax units that see a tax increase or a tax cut ("winners and losers"), by expanded cash income level in 2026, due to the individual income, payroll, and estate tax provisions in the Administration's FY2024 budget proposal.
Table shows the distribution of tax units that see a tax increase or a tax cut ("winners and losers"), by expanded cash income percentiles in 2026, due to the individual income, payroll, and estate tax provisions in the Administration's FY2024 budget proposal.
Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income percentiles in 2024, of the individual income, payroll, and estate tax provisions in the Administration's FY2024 budget proposal.