Table shows the distribution of tax changes by expanded cash income level of increasing the maximum Earned Income Tax Credit for workers without qualifying children...
Table shows the distribution of tax changes by expanded cash income percentile of increasing the maximum Child Tax Credit to $3,000 per child or $3,600...
Table shows the impact on federal tax revenue of enacting major provisions in the Family Security Act 2.0 Framework for calendar years 2022-2025.
Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income level in 2022, of enacting major provisions in the Family Security...
Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income percentile in 2022, of enacting major provisions in the Family Security...
Percent of tax units affected by the AMT by income level and filing status. Estimates are for current law In 2017, 2022, and 2025-2026. Baseline...
Number and percent of taxpayers affected by the AMT; AMT revenue per AMT taxpayer; AMT revenue as a percentage of all individual income tax revenue;...