Table shows the tax benefit of the itemized deduction for charitable contributions under current law plus the increase in the standard deduction proposed by the...
Table shows the tax benefit of the itemized deduction for charitable contributions under current law plus the increase in the standard deduction proposed by the...
Table shows the tax benefit of the itemized deduction for charitable contributions under current law, by expanded cash income level, in 2024.
Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income level in 2027, of the Energy Security production tax credit provisions...
Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income percentile in 2027, of the Energy Security production tax credit provisions...
Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income level in 2027, of the Energy Security investment tax credit provisions...
Table shows the change in the distribution of federal taxes, by expanded cash income percentile in 2027, of the Energy Security investment tax credit provisions...