
Benefits from the earned income tax credit (EITC) and child tax credit (CTC) play an important role in the financial lives of low- and moderate-income families. Determining how much credit a family qualifies for can be complicated, depending primarily on the number of eligible children, income,...

February 3, 2023
Elaine MaagNikhita AiriLillian Hunter

Both the US and the UK experienced dramatic slowdowns in economic activity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each enacted large-scale responses targeted at workers, and in addition, the US extended direct cash aid broadly through economic impact payments (EIPs) and then to most parents with...

January 31, 2023
Mathieu DespardChristoph GörtzElaine MaagDanny McGowan

Thirty-five states and the District of Columbia passed significant tax cuts in calendar year 2022. However, the design and effect of those tax cuts varied significantly. Using the Tax Policy Center state income tax model, we analyzed three major types of individual income tax cuts—tax rate cuts...

January 19, 2023
Richard C. AuxierDavid Weiner

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vast social and economic inequities in the US, which prompted unprecedented relief policies that, for one year, brought child poverty to its lowest levels in decades. However, as the economy enters a new phase of robust job growth, high inflation, and ongoing...

October 17, 2022
Joseph BroadusHilary HoynesElaine MaagDanny Rose

The Child Tax Credit (CTC), expanded under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, dramatically reduced child poverty across the United States in 2021, but it did not reach all eligible families equally. Immigrant families continued to face barriers in learning about and claiming their tax...

October 7, 2022
Luisa Godinez-PuigAravind BoddupalliLivia Mucciolo