Individual Taxes
Historical Data
Individual TaxesAverage effective tax rates, number of tax returns, total adjusted gross income, and total tax after credits, for highest AGI groups, 1945 to 2020.
Individual TaxesNumber of households, average pretax and after-tax income, shares of pretax and after-tax income, for elderly headed households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
Individual Taxes
Individual TaxesNumber of households, average pretax and after-tax income, shares of pretax and after-tax income, for nonelderly childless households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
Individual TaxesHistorical itemized charitable contributions as total amount (constant dollars), percent of AGI, and percent of GDP, 1917-2017.
Individual TaxesAdjusted gross income, exemptions, deductions, and tax items.
Individual TaxesHistorical itemized charitable contributions (nominal amounts) and adjusted gross income, 1917-2017.
Individual TaxesSources of income, adjustments, and itemized deductions for returns with itemized deductions, by size of adjusted gross income.
Individual Taxes
Individual TaxesSources of income, adjustments, and itemized deductions for returns with itemized deductions, by marital status.
Individual TaxesHistorical percentage of individual income tax returns, classified by the highest applicable statutory marginal rate, 1958-2016.