Historical Data
Historical Data

  • Individual Taxes
  • Individual Taxes
    Average effective tax rates, number of tax returns, total adjusted gross income, and total tax after credits, for highest AGI groups, 1945 to 2020.
  • Individual Taxes
    Sources of income, adjustments, and itemized deductions for returns with itemized deductions, by marital status.
  • Individual Taxes
    Historical percentage of individual income tax returns, classified by the highest applicable statutory marginal rate, 1958-2016.
  • Individual Taxes
    Income limits and mean income for each quintile of household income, 1967 through 2022.
  • Individual Taxes
  • Individual Taxes
    percentage of federal taxes generated at each statutory marginal rate.
  • Federal Budget and Economy
    Shares of federal tax liabilities for all households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
  • Individual Taxes
  • Individual Taxes
    Historical top tax rates from 1913-2015
  • Individual Taxes
    Shares of federal tax liabilities for households with children, by comprehensive household income quintile.
  • Individual Taxes
    Median income of families annually by selected family characteristics including type of residence, region, age of householder, family size, race or ethnicity.
Related to Individual
IndividualCurrent StatisticsSources of IncomeMarriage PenaltiesDeductions & ExemptionsCreditsAMTEGTRRABrackets