Historical Data
Historical Data

  • Individual Taxes
  • Individual Taxes
    Average effective tax rates, number of tax returns, total adjusted gross income, and total tax after credits, for highest AGI groups, 1945 to 2020.
  • Individual Taxes
    Average federal tax rates for elderly headed households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
  • Individual Taxes
  • Individual Taxes
    Average federal tax rates for nonelderly childless households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
  • Individual Taxes
  • Individual Taxes
    Number of households, average pretax and after-tax income, shares of pretax and after-tax income, and income category minimums for all households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
  • Individual Taxes
  • Individual Taxes
    Number of households, average pretax and after-tax income, shares of pretax and after-tax income, and income category minimums for households with children, by comprehensive household income quintile.
  • Individual Taxes
    Amounts of realized capital gains, taxes paid, average effective tax rates, and maximum tax rate on long-term capital gains, for tax years 1954 to 2014. Data unavailable for recent years.
  • Individual Taxes
    Number of households, average pretax and after-tax income, shares of pretax and after-tax income, for elderly headed households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
  • Individual Taxes
Related to Individual
IndividualCurrent StatisticsSources of IncomeMarriage PenaltiesDeductions & ExemptionsCreditsAMTEGTRRABrackets