Low-Income: current and historical poverty thresholds for different family sizes; income and payroll taxes for low-income families; Earned Income Tax Credit Details.

  • Individual Taxes
    Share of eligible taxpayers claiming the federal EITC, by state.
  • Individual Taxes
    Number and dollar amount of EITC, by number of qualifying children and income.
  • Individual Taxes
    EITC credit rate, minimum income for maximum credit amount, maximum credit amount, and phaseout rate and range, by number of qualifying children, 1975 to 2024.
  • Individual Taxes
    Number of EITC recipients, total amount and refundable amount of credit, and average credit claimed, 1975 through 2021.
  • Individual Taxes
    Number and dollar amount of EITC, by type of income, number of qualifying children, and income.
  • Individual Taxes
    Poverty thresholds (in dollars) by size of family and number of related children, 1990 to 2023.
  • Individual Taxes
    Income limits and mean income for each quintile of household income, 1967 through 2022.
  • Individual Taxes
    Number of federal EITC returns, share of total returns, total and average dollar amounts of credit, by state.
  • Individual Taxes
    Number of tax returns and dollar amount of EITC, by filing status and income, for 2000 and 2003.
  • Individual Taxes
    Amount of income, income taxes paid, and payroll taxes paid (in dollars and as a share of wages) by married couples at the poverty threshold, 1970 to 2011.
  • Individual Taxes
    Amount of selected taxes and transfers for a single parent with two children at various levels of poverty, assuming equal earnings all year, by state.
  • Individual Taxes
    Amount of selected taxes and transfers for a single parent with two children at various levels of poverty, assuming no earnings January through June and equal earnings July through December, by state.
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