Overview of federal tax receipts: the composition of federal tax revenues, the income distribution of tax shares and liability, and the changes in total tax burden and as a percentage of GDP over time.
Federal Budget and Economy
Outlays composition by type of spending from 1962 to 2029.
Individual Taxes
Types of federal excise taxes by agency to which tax was reported or paid, including revenues and tax rates for selected years, fiscal years 1996 to 2020.
Individual Taxes
Shares of federal tax liabilities for nonelderly childless households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
Individual Taxes
Telephone excise tax receipts in dollars and as a share of total tax revenue from 1899 to 2020.
Individual Taxes
Average federal tax rates for all households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
Individual Taxes
Average and marginal federal income tax rates for two-parent families of four at the same relative positions in the income distribution, from 1955 to 2014.
Individual Taxes
Average federal tax rates for households with children, by comprehensive household income quintile.
Federal Budget and Economy
Historical number of returns by form or type of tax from 1975 to 2015.
Individual Taxes
Average federal tax rates for elderly headed households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
Federal Budget and Economy
Historical chart of federal revenues by type of tax: individual, social insurance, corporate or excise.
Federal Budget and Economy
Composition of excise tax receipts from 1940 to 2029.
Individual Taxes
Average federal tax rates for nonelderly childless households, by comprehensive household income quintile.
More Overview
Composition of TaxesTax BurdenFederal Receipts & Outlays