Model Estimate T20-0005 - Economic Security Project's Cost-of-Living Refund with Patch; Replaces Earned Income Tax Credit; Without phase-in for family caregivers; Baseline: Current Law; Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Expanded Cash Income Level, 2020 t20-0005.xls
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Distribution of tax benefits by expanded cash income level of the Economic Security Project's Cost-of-Living Refund Proposal with no credit phase-in for family caregivers. Estimates show benefits relative to law in place as of January 1, 2019. Estimates shown for calendar year 2020.

Model Estimates Type Distribution Tables by Income Level
Primary topic Individual Taxes
Topics Earned income tax credit (EITC) Income tax (individual) Low-income households Tax credits (individual)
Model Estimates from the same Simulation Run February 25, 2020
Model Estimate
T20-0006 - Economic Security Project's Cost-of-Living Refund with Patch; Replaces Earned Income Tax Credit; Without phase-in for family caregivers; Baseline: Current Law; Distribution of Federal Tax Change by Expanded Cash Income Percentile, 2020