TaxVox To Our Readers: TaxVox Has Moved to a New Platform
Howard Gleckman
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TaxVox regulars might notice we’re celebrating the New Year by moving to a new blog platform (it’s not exactly bubbly and caviar, but we are tax wonks, after all). The new blog looks very much like the old one, but you may notice a few modest changes. It should be as easy as ever to post comments or set up an RSS feed. And we encourage you to do both. Our regular commenters (you know who you are) may notice one unfortunate consequence of our migration. While all of your comments over the past 3+ years have been preserved, we were unable to carry over your names. So future readers won’t know from whom these pearls of wisdom came. This applies only to old posts. Going forward,  we will identify all commenters who want us to publish their names. You can always choose to remain anonymous, of course. This new platform will make it easier for us to post, embed images, manage the blog, and control spam. We are confident the transition will be smooth, but can’t promise it will be entirely glitch-free for the next day or so. Thanks for your patience, and let us know what you think.
Primary topic Individual Taxes
Research Area Individual Taxes