A Column Linking Tax Policy to Our Everyday Lives
Display Date

- Could a bigger tax credit boost employer-provided child care? (August)
- Is it too easy for an organization to become a 501(c)(3) (July)
- What's to become of the Presidential Election Campaign Fund (June)
- Conservation easements still cause consternation (February)
- Flexible Spending Accounts: How they work and who benefits (January)
- Is everyone forming an LLC but me? (December)
- O Canada! What might its digital services tax mean for us? (November)
- Should online sports betting firms withhold taxes from all winnings? (October)
- A European Vacation and Tax Appreciation (September)
- Taxing remote workers: "Convenience," conflict, and the courts (August)
- No taxation without realization? (July)
- How can artificial intelligence help the average taxpayer? (June)
- To e-bike, or not to e-bike? Should that be a tax question? (May)
- Venmo, The $600 Threshold, And You: What's An (Honest) Taxpayer To Do? (April)
- Taxes, Scholarships, And A College Freshman: No Such Thing As Free Money (March)
- Extra! Extra! Should Local News Organizations Get Tax Breaks? (February)
- Dogs, Taxes, and Choices (January)
- Congress could save the day for more savers (not just the wealthy ones) (December)
- A marshmallow by any other name is just as sweet, but maybe not taxable (November)
- Voters In Three States Will Face The Consequences Of Earmarking Tax Dollars (October)
- The Educator Expense Deduction: It May Be Time To Trade This Token Benefit (September)
- Could crypto mining taxes in the US help save the planet, or is there an easier way? (August)
- Taxes, Religion, and Education: How much are we willing to pay for choice? (July)
- Absent Roe v. Wade, will "qualifying child" mean more in the tax code? (June)
- In states' culture wars, tax policy--and taxpayers--should be off-limits (May)
- Hey tax filers, there's (at least) one thing you should know... (April)
- Sales tax carveouts: They're all about that base (March)
- Does the world need tax-advantaged art freeports? (February)
- Excise taxes on guns and ammo: Sin taxes that don't prevent the sin (January)
- Could tax incentives help recruit and retain teachers? (December)
- Will the Ohio Supreme Court fuel the state's NASCAR tax? (November)
- How to make retirement saving easier for millions of Americans (October)
- What's easier: Killing aliens, or levying a vehicle-mileage tax? (September)
- Balancing free speech and tax exemption for nonprofits (August)
- Tax-exempt hospitals and charity care: Should those hospitals do more? (July)
- Are state tax-credit scholarships the best way to support school choice? (June)
- Should government use tax incentives to encourage people to get the COVID-19 vaccine? (May)
- Should all families receive the Child Tax Credit? (April)
- Big Tech has our data. Should we tax them on it? (March)
- What do you think about taxes? (February)
- Why are dependents over age 16 still ineligible for economic impact payments? (January)
- A Tax on Remote Work: Yes or No? (December)
- Who gets the tax benefit of those checkout charity donations? (November)
- Budget Transparency in a Pandemic: A Steeltown Story (October)
- The Road to Abusive Tax Shelters Is Paved With Good Intentions (September)
- Lights Flashing, Sirens Blaring: State and Local Governments Need Federal Aid (August)
- Tax Day Is Around The Corner: Who's (Been) Ready? (July)
- Balancing School Budgets and Tax Hikes in the Middle of a Pandemic (June)
- CARES Act Support Is Falling Short (May)
- Homeschooling Tax Policy, Or How We Spent the First Week of the Pandemic (April)
- "Corporate Taxes: Are They Fair? Who Really Pays Them, And When?" (March)
- "Don't tax me, don't tax thee, that that person who's richer than... we." (February)
- Could a redesigned tax deduction make more people feel good about charitable giving? (January)
- Naughty or Nice: What if Santa Claus had to levy sin taxes? (December)
- When it comes to tax policy, should getting mad mean getting even? (November)
- Michigan: Let's tax (not ban) vaping products (October)
- There's no such thing as a free lunch. Or sales tax holiday. (September)
- Save (for) Yourself: Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the Solo 401(k) (August)
- Road Rage and Raising Revenue: Is it time for states to embrace even bigger gas tax increases? (July)
- The Section 529 savings plan is a sweet deal. Too sweet. (June)
- Are public pension and benefit shortfalls and local taxes worthy of a neighborhood duel? (May)
- A good volunteer is hard to find. Could tax policy make it easier? (April)
- "Tell me what you want, what you really, really want." (March)
- America, We Have A Problem: The IRS Brain Drain (February)
- Political Campaigns and Tax Incentives: Do We Give to Get? (January)
- For charitable giving, 'tis the season... but will it still be, post-TCJA? (December)
- What Do Women Want? Or: The Case of the Tax-Exempt Tampon (November)
- Straight Teeth, Misaligned Tax Policy (October)
- School Daze, School Funding Haze (September)
- High Hopes and Altered States: Choices, Marijuana, and Tax Revenue (August)
- Tariffs, Trade, and Time: Making America Pay Again (July)
- Tax Protests and Business Boycotts: History Repeats, Maybe. (June)
- Taxes and Public Education: We get what we pay for... When we want it. (May)
- The Case of the Plastic Bag Tax: Why don't we all carry that weight? (April)
- Guns, Soda, and a Modest Proposal (March)
- Will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act grow US businesses? (February)
- Tax Cuts in 2018: Will we feel them? Will it matter? (January)
- How would the TCJA treat my family? The same, but different. (December)
- Transformational Brownfield of Dreams in Motor City: If he builds it, will they come? (November)
- A Tale of Two Cities: An Income Tax in Benton Harbor? (October)
- Keeping Your Eyes on the Tax-Advantaged Prize (September)
- The Case of Oregon's Bicycle Excise Tax (August)
- My Vacation in the Sharing Economy (July)
- Taxing Bubbles, Or The Case of the Tax for Racial Equity (June)
- The Case for Tax Policy Education and Teacher Appreciation (May)
- Strange Love: Or, how I learned to stop complaining and like the tax code (April)
- Them's the Breaks: Taxing Retirement Income (March)
- Can we make small stockholders feel great again? (February)
- Why are Chicago homeowners leaving money on the table? (January)
- A tax cut in exchange for more federal debt? Taxpayers consider the tradeoff (December)
- When Angry Doubt Triumphs: A Case of Tax Debt and Tax Collection (November)
- Transparency, Tax Returns, and Tax Reform: An Open and Shut Case? (October)
- For whom the interstate tolls: It may toll differently for thee. (September)
- "I was framed!" Or, the Case of the Tax Policy Overpowered by Words (August)
- Tax Exemption, Free Speech, and a Bold Campaign Promise: An Independence Day Mystery (July)
- The Case of a Good Walk, and Tax Expenditure, Spoiled (June)
- A Case of Love, Death, Estates, and Taxes (May)
- The Case of the Hidden Import Tax, or, "It's all about the shoes." (April)
- Much Ado About Everything But Tax Plans (March)
- What's so funny about taxes, love, and solidarity? (February)
- The Case of Tax Scams, Private Debt Collectors, and Wishful Thinking (January)
- The Case of the Mislabeled ABLE Account (December)
- The Case of the Questionable Tax Incentive: Women and Retirement Savings (November)
- The Case of the Carrot in Need of a Stick: A Tax Credit for Paid Family Leave (October)
- The Case of the Unreturned Call for Tax Code Simplicity (September)
- The Case of the Little Wrong Thing: Evading Online Sales Tax (August)
- MEGA tax credits: Will Michigan bust a deal, or will residents face the wheel? (July)
- School’s out: What if parents take the tax money and run? (June)
- Why do taxpayers leave money on the table? (May)
- A penny for your sugar: Setting a price on Sin (April)
- What we hear when we talk about taxes... musings of a Tax Hound (March)