TaxVox TPC’s New Podcast, Taxology, Explores The Laffer Curve
Yifan Powers
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If you want to get tax economists riled up, there’s no better topic than the “Laffer Curve.” Even after decades of controversy, it underlies many of today’s tax policy debates, including whether federal tax cuts can “pay for themselves” or if tax cuts can boost states’ economies. In the latest episode of TPC’s new podcast, Taxology, host Kathy Schalch chats with Kim Rueben, senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center and director of the State and Local Finance Initiative, and Bill Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center, about the theory behind the Laffer Curve and the evidence supporting the claims. Listen to the podcast below, or subscribe on iTunes.

If you’d like to listen to our previous episodes of Taxology, click here or find us on iTunes.

Please let us know your thoughts on the series so far by commenting here. Your feedback is invaluable and will help us determine how this podcast is working in our ongoing efforts to elevate the debate. 

Tags Arthur Laffer Laffer Curve economic growth
Primary topic Individual Taxes
Research Area Income tax (individual)